Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, But Names Will Never Hurt Me.
Main Entry: mouse potato
Function: noun
Etymology: after couch potato
Date: 1993
slang : a person who spends a great deal of time using a computer
What's a mouse potato? The computer-age version of a couch potato—someone who spends hour after hour of leisure time in front of a computer screen.
Who you calling a Mouse Potato?!
Function: noun
Etymology: after couch potato
Date: 1993
slang : a person who spends a great deal of time using a computer
What's a mouse potato? The computer-age version of a couch potato—someone who spends hour after hour of leisure time in front of a computer screen.
Who you calling a Mouse Potato?!
Um, me?
Hiya, thanks for stopping by my blog ! I'm actually in Montreal (Quebec) Canada, but I definitely agree that Quebec City is beautiful. Mouse potato (NOT ME!??!). Well maybe sometimes !
I'm rubber you're glue... If by rubber you mean FLABBY from all the computer time.
I could fit into this category a few hours a day... dreary, but it's life! And i couldn't bear to relinquish this title if it meant not being able to "interact" with bloggy friends. :)
Hope you're having a great weekend!
Me? A Mouse Potato. Absolutely. Becoming more and more so. But at least were learning and communicating. Right?
Oh dang! This is so funny, but don't tell my family, or they will have a new name for me!
Jeez, Louise! This is what I have become! So funny!
Thank God I don't qualify. Most if not all of my computer time is for work. I make up for it by being very lazy though.
I love it.
I hadn't heard this one before.
Just found out what a group of mice is called.....!! So all of you that are part of my MISCHIEF OF MICE.....thanks for checking in!
too funny :)
Hoppin in to say say hi, hope you had a wonderful weekend!
That one got more than a chuckle from me! Hope you guys had a good holiday!
Alex, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! We did have a good weekend. I worked today but that's okay....and you?
LOL got a good chuckle out of this one.
So funny! So here is your personal blog! I like mouse potato.
How funny! I have never heard of a mouse potato but I am soooo one of them so I should hang my head in shame for not knowing what I am for all these years.
Why the negative slant?
Exercise thanks to being on the computer:
I hit the keyboard so hard while typing that my guns are doing just fine, and I have unprecedented finger muscles.
Because I drink so much coffee and/or wine while sitting on the computer I constantly have to pee, but dare not leave the screen, thus I spend quite a lot of time squeezing my thighs together, and thus work out my legs.
As I'm reading other people's blogs I vigorously nod my head in agreement thus working out my neck muscles.
As I'm reading other people's blogs I belly laugh, giving my abs more exercise they have felt in the past decade.
What does the the television have on that. Nothing. One finger on the remote. Pshaw.
Extranjera, TV vs. Computer is less about what muscles are moving in my body and more about what's moving between my ears! But you made the points so well. thanks!
Oh that phrase definitely applies to me! LOL
OMG, that's the first time I heard "mouse potato" and I think I resemble that term.
Gee, I don't know anyone like that! Yeah, right.
Sometimes I double click the remote for the Tv
Joe, in the office my telephone is quite near my keyboard. I ocassionally dial tel numbers on the keyboard.
Haha guess that makes me a mouse potato- I've been called worse.
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