Last week after Paul had left for work I picked up my cup and it was empty. I didn't think I'd already taken them which means, holy crap, Paul took my medication. I wasn't concerned about the vitamins and one of the meds but I thought he might have a reaction to the other one.
I hurriedly dialed his cell and asked, Did you take my pills? His answer was..Yeah, when I realized what I'd done I spit them out. I thought about just swallowing them but was afraid I'd be taking one of your girly pills.
Girly pills? Seriously? For a moment there I was wishing he had swallowed the medication and gotten a reaction. But all I said was Nice going. That prescription has a $50 co-pay and you just spit one into the trash.
Yikes. Those girly pills can be dangerous.
Haha. Practicing to be a really old lady. (btw, the cup idea is genius. Many a time I have to wrack my brain trying to remember if I've taken my meds or not).
The image of Paul spitting out your meds is just too funny.
Be careful, or next you will be using those plastic days of the week medicine dispensers.
Oops! Maybe you should mark which cup is which in really big letters. In case his eye sight is going and even if it's not I would just for fun.
Anita just bummed me out a lot, as Tom and I both use 'pill minders' and we're trying to get our daughter to use one, too. I guess at almost fourteen she's a little too young to start training to be a really old lady...
Maybe leaving a little cup of M&Ms out for your thief would be a nice, little treat for him. LOL!
Just hope he's a quick learner and never to repeat it again. :)
I agree, the little cups are a good idea. My husband uses the little daily reminder container, but he's older than me : ) I do sometimes forget if I've taken mine or not.
Isn't that just like a man! Girly pills!! It's not like he'd grow boobs, I'm sure!
wow..what girlie pills??...maybe I could use some
It is a good thing that he spit them out, let's be thankful for that! Why did he think they were his? Like a girly pill would hurt him!
I've been using one of those weekly pill containers for my vitamins for YEARS. Maybe I'm already a "little old lady", but I'd prefer to think of myself as old soul. Either that, or super organized!
Oopps... and expensive mistake!
Men! Meds are just crazy expensive aren't they!
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