Great content? In case you don't know, that's my shameless plug for the new blog that Pam and I began recently. Please take a few minutes and visit Words of Wisdom to see what it's all about. Let me say right away that this post is not going to fall into the great content category but maybe it will help me figure out why it's been so long since my last post.
Let's see. I'm happy to report that real estate has been very busy these last few weeks. Several new clients and a couple closings have taken up a lot of time. Recently I was invited to a very special lunch with the President and CFO of our agency to honor the Top Producers of 2009. I was really pleased to be one of the 18 agents to receive that distinction.
I also attended a Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast at Fidelity Investments locally to thank the many, many people who donate their time, energy and money to Adopt-a-Family each year. The people at Fidelity are responsible for providing for 10% of the children we help annually. Our program is just one of many they are involved with, and it was terrific to hear about all the great work they do.
I saw a great production of The Odd Couple at Trinity Rep a couple weeks ago. Based, of course, on the television sitcom of the 70's, the play was set in a 1960's television studio complete with bright lights and live commercials between acts. With two of the favorites of the company cast as Felix and Oscar, the show was full of great laughs.
And last but not least, another reason I have been absent is my new laptop! I have been spending lots of time transferring files and learning the new programs and operating system. This is my first laptop and it is taking some getting used to but I know I'm going to love the portability of it. We are hoping to get away for a few days soon, and it's going to be great to have a computer with us. The desktop will now be Paul's. Yahoo! No more sharing.
So that's about it. In addition to neglecting my own blog I'm afraid I've been neglecting lots of others and have not visited much lately. I'm almost afraid to open my Reader. I'm expecting to see over 1,000 unread posts. As much as I hate to, I just might have to hit that dreaded delete all button. And I was doing so well keeping up with all of you! Oh well, tomorrow is another day. It's great to be back.
Don't apologize. Sometimes life just happens, and blogging shouldn't ever get in the way of just living and doing.
I still do not have a laptop and we share our desktop at home. Which has it's difficult moments. I'm hoping we get one in the next year or so.
Nice job on your success at work. One loves The Odd Couple.
It sounds like you've been busy. It's hard to keep up isn't it?
I believe when you are gone for awhile it's impossible to get caught up and marking them all as read it the best choice. My fear is that I deleted something important that happened in someones life! I have a four day trip coming up and I wonder do I bring my computer or let it go for the weekend. Nice to see a post from you.
I wasnt aware that you have started a new blog. I will go and check it immediately...
Blogging, like everything else in life, seems to go in cycles. Once the nicer weather shows up and then thru summer, it usually slows down a lot. Unless you're like me who just seems to write year 'round. I can't seem NOT to write! But I go thru my 'quiet' periods too...especially if "life behind the screen" gets especially hectic. I don't have a Reader. Well, wait...I guess I do on Google but I never got in to it and haven't used it in a couple of years. I can't read a ton of blogs because of time factors...I'm lucky to check my sidebar 'favorites' more than once or twice a week. I do what I can, enjoy what I'm capable of, and leave it at that.
The "Mark all as read" button has been my savior many times. Don't be afraid to use it... it can be liberating.
I didn't even know you could hit that button. Hmmm.
It's great that you have an interesting and varied life behind the scenes of the blogging world...that makes good blog I think.
I agree with what Kris said. Blogging seems to be one of those things that goes in cycles. You just have do what seems comfortable in the moment and let the rest go.
Hi Sandy,
Congratulations on your nomination. As far as blogging goes, I hear you. I remember visiting a blog, way at the beginning of my adventure in the blogosphere, that had an icon with the writen words: blogging without obligation. I was not sure what it meant at the time but now I get it. Us women put so much pressure on ourselves and blogging for some of us can be fun but sometimes feels like unfinished homework....Lately, I've been participating in a bunch of blog hops. Its easy, its fun and I dont have to "rack" my brain and worry about posting daily. It also gives me more time to visit other blogs. Once in a while when I feel the need to I post something that is personal and enjoyable. Take care Sandy.
It appears there's a life beyond blogging, and a good one too.
Congrats on receiving the distinction of Top Producers 2009!
Enjoy your new laptop!
Sandy, the good things in your life are very good, and congrats on all your accomplishments!
I too have not been writing or reading much.........I'm ready to jump back in I believe.
Congrats Sandy on your award! Well done. And I'm glad the real estate business is picking up. Don't apologize for not blogging - we all get busy - I'm insane with class right now so my blog will be hit and miss for the next 8 weeks or so although I did manage to post something today. I love your and Pam's WOW site - it rocks and it's great that you give so many deserving bloggers a chance to strut their stuff and make new friends too! I just wish I had time to visit everyone on my blogroll - I'm WAAAAAAY behind - but that's life lately. Hugs!
Yes, great accomplishment and I'm glad to hear that maybe the market is picking up. We are going to list our house next week. I have no idea what is going to happen. We were on a two month vacation until last week and I didn't have full time access to the computer. I missed a lot of blogging and I really missed seeing everyone else's. I have been playing catch up ever since I've been home.
That's great that business is good! It's been busy over here in the mortgage biz too. I admit sometimes I get overwhelmed with my reader and click "mark all as read". It's a bit liberating to see that blank screen for a few minutes - I know that sounds bad, but it's true. It's just life :-)
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