The Marmelade Gypsy has a picture of her beautiful orange cat on her banner. I have always wanted an orange cat.
I've had two orange dogs, both Golden Retrievers. My beloved Jessie, gone since 1997 and Rosey, my competition for Paul's attention. Have I told you how Rosey barks and jumps up in the air when Paul hugs me? Sometimes we do it just to piss her off.
Madeleine, our granddaugther, said to me once when she was about 3, Grama your hair's not red, it's orange. Since I have orange hair and an orange dog, I've always thought I should have an orange cat.
And one showed up in our garage about 6 years ago. Paul came in one morning saying 'there's some animal out there making an awful racket.' I went out and from under my car comes this skinny orange tomcat yelling his head off. He looked about 4 months old. Despite being so thin he had the most beautiful coat and gorgeous dark orange eyes. He kept meowing like crazy and running around my legs.
He was so skinny, of course, I fed him. No idea where he had come from; I checked with a few neighbors and no one claimed him. We made a bed in an old cat carrier, and he stayed a couple nights while I tried to figure out what to do. After making calls I found a really nice lady who was running a no-kill cat shelter a couple towns away. Actually in the next state, she wasn't supposed to take out-of-state cats but I prevailed upon her,and we made arrangements for a drop-off.
In the meantime, we got kind of attached to the little guy. He was so affectionate, he purred constantly. Pam and Madeleine came to visit and Madeleine name him Cosmo. It was the perfect name.
Paul said several times keep him. But when Tiggy died I swore off litter boxes and since we live near the woods with the foxes and coyotes (remember what happened to Lucy last fall?) I can't in good conscience have an outdoor cat. So, no, he'd go to the shelter and they'd either find him a home or he'd live there permanently.
So the day came when I took him to the shelter which was in an old store front in a strip mall. I was pleased to see about 15 cats of various ages running around having a great time, no cages in sight. As I passed Cosmo to the lady, I teared up and couldn't speak. I had told her his name was Cosmo, and she promised to keep it. I left knowing he was in good hands.
A few days later she called to give me an update. The shelter quarantines new cats and has them seen by a vet as soon as possible. She told me that Cosmo was pretty sick. They had to worm him three times, and he was still at the vet's office. I checked back in a couple weeks and she said he was doing well, back at the shelter and was the life of the party. He had become the favorite of all the shelter volunteers with a personality like they had never seen.
She also told me that he was scheduled to be adopted by a couple who had two other cats they had rescued and was going home that weekend. And his name was going to remain Cosmo.
So when I saw Jeanie's kitty today I thought I wonder whatever happened to Cosmo?
The photo isn't Cosmo, but it could be!
I was well on my way to being a crazy old cat lady at one point. I had two cats who I LOVED. Tom didn't share my enthusiasm. When they passed there were no more cats. And every time I see one that resembles one of them, I wonder, too...
I hope Cosmo is purring happily in a loving home. My partner and I have an orange cat, Carrot, and we've never seen a cat that's so affectionate and that purrs as often and as loudly as he does (it's pretty much constant). Someone once told me that orange cats are known to be more affectionate than others, and I wasn't sure I believed her, but maybe there is something to that theory.
Just stumbled upon your blog, and had to stop by to tell you that I really like the look. :-)
This post brought back memories of childhood, and a cat named Boots.
Strays just break my heart. I hope Cosmo is happy and healthy and has a bowl of fresh cream for breakfast every morning!
I often wonder what happened to a little stray we adopted. He/she (it's sexuality was questionable, lol) hung around for about a year. Then one day, it was gone.
I remember Cosmo! I haven't thought about him in ages. He was an amazingly affectionate cat. Madeleine begged me to let her adopt him. But, like you we swore off litter boxes after Tigger, Simon and Abby. Or Geoff did. LOL!
Oh, this is a good story -- I'm so glad he was rescued and I bet he found a good home. Orange cats are wonderfully sweet and have such a personality! (They also have quite a set of pipes and certainly talk to you when they want food or attention!).
I'm so glad you shared this, Sandy. And I'm glad that Gypsy inspired you to share memories of what sounds like a very special cat!
What a beautiful Kitty! We have dogs, 'cause I'm allergic, but I do tend to admire felines from afar. BTW, SITS sent me over...and I'm having a giveaway where EVERYBODY wins, so please come on by!
Poor Cosmo. Perhaps he went on an adventure!
sounds like you did the right thing
Always nice to hear a happy cat story.
I'm glad Cosmo found a new home. And I happen to know Jeanie's cat, and he does make very funny sounds.
I'm sure he's off living a great life somewhere. You did the right thing.
Awww Sandy, bless your heart... isn't it funny how little bitty animals can just win us over so fast!
I have 3 rescue cats right now and the boys are trying to talk their daddy into a 4th...you know just to go along with the 4 dogs!!
I'm sure Cosmo is in a loving home by the comments made by the shelter. What a beautiful cat - I know I would have been tempted to keep him! Orange cats are affectionate - we adopted "Blondie" when we built our house (thought she was a stray, but actually belonged to the neighbors up the street). I guess she liked our house better. Although she would run every time someone would come over, she was a great little cat. Sheba learned to tolerate her and I think when she died of mouth cancer last year, Sheba was lonely. I had her cremated and have a marker by the bird feeder with her name on it (it was her favorite hangout.
Nice story and hope Cosmo is enjoying his 9 lives!!
Being blonder may be good, but not for my intelligence!
Maddy, that's so sweet! We have both Jessie & Tigger buried in the orchard at the back of our property with markers. Pets add so much to our lives.
What a touching story. Thanks for sharing something so personal. Thanks for stopping by my blog on my special SITS day.
Since I've got an orange-haired Doll I've also got a special place for orange kitties.
My Darling (the cat-ladyish one) already has two tabbies, but she's crazy for orange cats and recently had one show up at her door.
Subsequent appearances are guaranteed since she fed him.
Orange kitties are the bomb.
I'm sure Cosmo is warming hearts.
Just dropping by to thank you for the tip you left me at SparkleFarkle.
Visited your other Blog on Realty Tips. Pretty informative. ;)
Thanks for stopping by my blog and thanks for sharing your story. It is so easy to get attached to animals, especially when they are helpless! I know I did the right thing and so did you :) I bet Cosmo is lounging in his cat tree at his new owners being spoiled rotten.
Isn't it wonderful how just a bit of sharing effects us? Great post.
Oh you did well to find Cosmo someone who would look after him. I live in a tiny Italian village where the cats rule. The mothers have decided I'm a good bet for their kittens, and every autumn they appear, nudging their offspring towards my terrace door, whispering, "Go on, she's a real soft touch..." And suddenly we're feeding and warming another two balls of fluff all winter...Love 'em!
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