Not much of a difference in the Highbush Cranberry in the last month. The biggest change is in the fruit seen below. Many of the inferior berries have dropped leaving the best for last.

Take a look to see what the bush looked like in June and July.
Your comments are greatly appreciated! I read them all. They are the only way I know you were here!
The photos and content are mine (except where noted) so please don't use anything without asking.
interesting, I've never heard of that bush before
I can't wait for your winter shots, I bet they will be gorgeous.
Alex, you are so right. The winter shots will be best especially if there's snow to show the red berries against.
Nice looking berries!
Wow, hope you take heed to those warnings from the other day. Could be nothing but could be a little heads up ya know? You probably do work too much and that can be stressful. I've never had an ambulance ride and sure hope I never do!!
Oh and the North Shore Animal League is a legit organization for a no kill shelter, as far as I know.
Thanks for swinging by and leaving congrats for my new grandbaby. She is so tiny and delicate and just precious!!
Have a great rest of the weekend!!
I look forward to seeing this bush in winter. Is the fruit edible?
This is pretty. I've never seen one. Can you eat the fruit?
I have never seen one before but it looks so pretty. Thank you for posting the photograph.
GOrgeous!! Stopping by from Sits! happy sunday......
Our photos are so pretty! This is looking very promising!
love the pix..your blog is beautiful... natalee sits http://totmama.blogspot.com/
Gorgeous bush! I don't believe I am familiar with this type. I like the fruit. Is it decorative or edible...
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